Vihaan Peethambar
In his current role, he drives the inclusion agenda and Inclusion networks’ engagement for India
strategic locations. He is also an expert committee member in India’s first National Council for
Transgender Persons and was previously a member of the Ernakulam District Transgender Justice
Board where he worked closely with the Social Justice Department to implement Kerala’s State
Transgender Policy. He also takes part in LGBTQ+ advocacy efforts in India through Queerala, an
LGBTIQA+ organization and Dhwayah Transgender Arts and Charitable Society. Vihaan was
recognised in the global 2021 OUTstanding LGBT+ Role Models list by INvolve and awarded the 2020
D&I Champion of Change Award by Community Business recognizing his commitment in advancing
D&I in the workplace and beyond in India. He earned a Master of Science degree in Communication
and an advanced Diploma in Globalization & Human Rights from Stockholm University.