Gayatri Rath
Gayatri Rath is the Executive Director, Communications, GE South Asia, as of February 2021. She is responsible for leading communications and branding. Before joining GE, she was Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at Pine Labs, a
multi-national fintech unicorn. A journalism graduate from Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Gayatri has 27 years of experience in communications and marketing. She has been a regional communications and branding leader at Oracle, GE Capital, Microsoft and has helped grow several global brands in Asia.
Gayatri is passionate about inclusion in the workplace and in society. Over the last decade, she has led several workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives and is a certified diversity professional. In December 2020, she published her first book, A Question of Trust, examining communications as a powerful CEO tool. Chapter 7 of the book dwells on how CEOs can be more inclusive in their communications. In her free time, Gayatri runs a not-for-profit, the Saptasajya Foundation, to drive digital
inclusion among underprivileged students and promote traditional crafts, in her home state of Odisha in India.