Amruta Choudhury
Amruta has 18+ years of experience in leading Consulting, Corporate and HR practices for esteemed organizations like WNS, Infosys BPO, ING Life, Max Life, Interweave Consulting and Flipkart. She has worked on global projects in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, HR Strategy & Execution, Career Architecture & Development, Employer Branding, HR Diagnostics and Designing and Facilitating Learning Interventions for Leadership.
Her most enriching experience has been walking a path of continuous deep self-discovery and an opportunity to enable leaders to create inclusive workplaces. She is a certified Advanced NLP Coach and currently pursuing a Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy from Human Givens, London.
As a coach her journey has been aimed towards enabling leaders to see their true potential, find their purpose and navigate a path that’s aligned with their authentic self. She leads the Inclusion & Belonging charter at Flipkart in her current role.