A high-powered 6-month intervention designed by Interweave Consulting in collaboration with and for Reliance Retail’s women leaders Reliance strongly affirms the fact that inclusion across all dimensions of diversity is the right way to conduct business and that doing this also unleashes tremendous competitive advantages in innovation, crea...
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My Kamala, Your Kamala, Everyone’s Kamala – Our wishlist for the poster girl of Intersectionality
One of two daughters of a Tamil Brahmin Indian, immigrant Hindu single mother and a mixed-race Christian Jamaican (also an immigrant), married to a divorced man of European Jewish origin and raising step children. Kamala Harris represents the interwoven identity of multiple threads of diversity that truly describes the spirit of inclusion. ...
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LGBTQ Realities
Sapna and Diya were childhood buddies. They went to the same school, lived near each other, went to the beach on weekends and even climbed huge mango trees together. Growing up together was a lot of fun and they remember it for all the laughter they experienced together. Life moved on and they eventually lost touch with each other, until re...
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The Why What And How of the Diversity domain
“When I started my Diversity journey, I literally had to explain what it is that I am really doing and how this was going to be useful for an organisation” Each one of us working in the Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) space has had our own interesting trajectory, which is often reflective of the journey of the domain itself. In the In...
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Creating an LGBTQ Safe Space – Beat the COVID Impact
In these times of COVID – 19 pandemic, could we be facing a silent threat to our mental health and wellbeing? Understanding the roots, effects and ways to mitigate these threats can help us actively manage, even if we cannot avoid this situation entirely. Living through this pandemic can affect us in several ways ranging from physio...
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Five Steps to Inclusion in the Time of Isolation
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed the world on an unprecedented and indefinite timeout. Most organizations have chosen to move their workspaces online, asking their employees to stay indoors and practise social distancing. For managers, it has also brought up a new concern: fostering inclusion in a time of isolation. Here are a few ways that ...
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World Social Justice Day – Advantaged versus Disadvantaged
Organisations being reflective of the society we live in, we should familiarise ourselves with the frameworks of social justice. It will help us understand the process of how being disadvantaged impacts individuals representative of certain groups adversely. On reflection, you will realise that multiple descriptors can be used to describe...
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Four Signs That Your Diversity Hiring Isn’t Working
Companies in modern times have made diversity in hiring one of their top priorities. A quote by diversity advocate Verna Myers sums up some issues perfectly: “Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” In companies that have been traditionally culture, race or gender-homogenous, just adding someone “di...
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International Men’s Day – Empowering Men towards a better tomorrow
International Men’s Day is an opportunity to acknowledge the men in our lives and empower them. As we all know, a large section of the society is predominantly male, they too have their challenges which most times go unnoticed. Our social constructs are dynamic - they are constantly evolving, therefore, the expectations of how men should lea...
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Beyond Pink and blue of gendered stereotypes
Humans tend to stereotype people from the moment they open their eyes, we tend to put people into predefined roles without reflecting on their needs, inclinations and desires. Consciously or unconsciously we tend to do the same with our kids, where we push them toward roles that we think are best for their gender. The early learning of male...
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